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Emergency Alert: These Companies Are Costing You More Than You Think

You've been diligently curbing your expenditures. Home-brewed coffee, resisting the allure of Target, and forgoing the tempting avocado toast. (Caught our millennial banter there?) However, despite ...

Companies Step Up to Help Low-Income Individuals Manage Their Finances

People with low income face a number of financial challenges, and managing a budget can be one of the most difficult. It can be especially hard when they don't have access to financial resources and se...

Biden Administration to Extend Payments Pause on Student Loans for the 8th Time

Key Points The Biden administration said it will extend the payment pause on federal student loans given its forgiveness plan remains blocked in the courts. Federal student loan bills w...

A Quick Walk with a Crypto Expert: What is Crypto and is it Safe?

What is Crytpocurrency? Crypto or cryptocurrency is a digital or virtual form of currency that operates independently of central banks and utilizes encryption techniques to secure transactions and contro...

You May Be Due a Refund - 1 in 10 Americans Are!

Have you ever thought that you have misplaced some cash? Are you stuck on hold while calling your bank? Desperate enough to hunt for change in the couch? Well the good news is that you may have unclaimed money.   Uncla...

Employers Prioritize Child Care Benefits to Support Workforce

The demand for child care benefits in the workforce has intensified as employers recognize the significant role it plays in both employee productivity and retention. According to a recent survey conducted by...

Impending Government Shutdown: What You Need to Know About the Possible Consequences

As the deadline for a potential government shutdown approaches, concerns are mounting over the impact it could have on crucial services and the livelihoods of federal workers. Congress...

Biden's Proposed Changes to Social Security: A Comprehensive Analysis

Social Security, America's top retirement program, is facing significant challenges. President Joe Biden has unveiled his plan to address these issues and ensure the financial well-being of an aging...

FEMA Streamlines Disaster Assistance for Efficient Relief Efforts

In recent years, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has faced criticism for its slow response and bureaucratic red tape in providing disaster assistance to affected communities. However, a ...

The Highs and Lows of Student Loan Debt Across America

  Student loan debt is a heavy burden weighing on the shoulders of millions of Americans. With total student loan debt now surpassing $1.7 trillion nationwide, some states are feeling the pain more than others. ...