Some Facts About Class Action Lawsuits That Will Make You Feel Better

Class action lawsuits are a powerful tool for consumers and employees who a company has wronged. When many people pool their resources together, they can take on even the largest corporations. Many people have failed in individual cases only to succeed in a class action.

What is a Class Action Lawsuit?

A class action is a lawsuit involving various individuals, or "class," with similar claims against a single defendant. All of the plaintiffs in a class action bear the same type of harm and seek compensation for the same damages.

The lead plaintiff, or "class representative," is the person who files the class action lawsuit on behalf of the entire class. The court will appoint a lead plaintiff if it finds that the person has typical claims and can adequately represent the class members' interests.

Facts About Class Action Lawsuits

If you are a victim of a mass tort, you may be wondering if you can join a class action lawsuit. The answer is maybe. While attorneys file most class action lawsuits on behalf of a group of people injured in the same way, sometimes individuals can join these types of cases. You should know a few things before joining, including:
� Class action lawsuits are sometimes the only way for individuals to get compensation when large companies have wronged them. Facing big companies alone may yield nothing because of their financial strength and strong legal representation.
� Not all class action lawsuits succeed. Some may be better than others, depending on the facts of your case. However, gather strong evidence to add weight to your case.
� You should always speak with an attorney before deciding whether to join a class action lawsuit. Hiring an attorney with experience handling such cases is advisable to avoid setbacks. In addition, hiring a legal company instead of an individual attorney strengthens the argument in court.

What Are the Benefits of a Class Action Lawsuit?


You May Be Able to Seek Compensation That You Would Not Have Otherwise Been Able to Obtain

Class action lawsuits level the playing field between individuals and large companies. Without a class action, most people could not afford to take on a business alone.

You Can Join Forces with Others: There is strength in numbers

When you join a class action, you can pool your resources with other class members to better pursue your claims.

You Can Stand Up Against Wrongdoing

Class action lawsuits allow individuals to stand up against companies that have harmed them. Not only can you seek compensation, but you can also help prevent future harm by sending a message that such behavior won't happen again.

You Can Help Shape the Law

Class action lawsuits can have a lasting impact on the law. By holding companies accountable for their actions, class action lawsuits can help discourage future wrongdoing and ensure that justice is served.

Which Are Some Famous Class Action Lawsuits That Have Made a Big Impact on Society?

1. The tobacco companies suffered a series of class action lawsuits in the 1990s, which led to billions of dollars in settlements for smokers and their families.
2. In 2001, individuals filed a class action lawsuit against the gun industry, alleging that manufacturers and dealers were negligent in their marketing and sale of firearms.
3. A class action lawsuit was filed against the makers of the popular prescription drug Vioxx in 2004 after it increased the risk of heart attacks and strokes. Plaintiffs benefited from a $4.85 billion settlement in 2007.
4. In 2010, car owners filed against Toyota over claims that the company's cars had defective accelerator pedals, which led to several accidents and injuries. The firm paid over $1 billion to settle the suit.
5. In 2011, social media users filed against Facebook, alleging that the social networking site
6. Victims filed against the makers of the birth control pill Yaz in 2012, linked to an increased risk of blood clots. Bayer settled approximately 10,300 claims for 0ver 2 billion in 2016.

If a company's actions have harmed you, you may be able to join a class action lawsuit to seek compensation and hold the company accountable. Class action lawsuits can be complex, but with the help of an experienced attorney, you can navigate the process and seek the justice you deserve. You shouldn't suffer silently because many people have succeeded in seeking justice despite the defendants' best efforts.