Home Births Are on the Rise in the U.S.: Understanding the Risks and Benefits

The number of home births in the U.S. is on the rise. According to new data released this month by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), home births increased 1.26% in 2020 to 1.41% in 2021. This marks an increase of 12%, translating to the highest rate of increase since 1990.

What is Behind the Increase?

There are a number of reasons driving the substantial increase in home births. Leading the way is a fear of COVID-19. Many pregnant women have stated worries over contracting the virus in a hospital setting as a primary reason for choosing the home birth option. A fear of exposing a newborn to the virus was also listed as a key concern.

Patients also expressed dissatisfaction with strict hospital visitor policies during the height of the pandemic. Most hospitals limited laboring women to just one support person during the birthing and recovery process. This meant that women were not allowed to share the experience with anyone outside of their partner. Mothers that did not want to feel isolated during and after birth gravitated toward home birth options.

But COVID-19 is not the only driving factor. Prior to the pandemic, there was a growing dissatisfaction with hospital care overall. A 2019 study out of the World Health Organization (WHO) reported a sharp increase in reports of mistreatment in maternity care. This unhappiness with the hospital experience caused many mothers to choose a home birth for subsequent pregnancies.

Benefits of Home Birth

There are many benefits of a home birth. Women typically enjoy more control over the birthing experience when it happens in the comfort of their home as opposed to a hospital setting.

There is also the advantage of giving birth in a setting that is familiar and comfortable to you. Women laboring at home have more freedom to eat or drink when they wish. It is also much easier to take warm showers or baths in your own surroundings rather than a sterile hospital. The use of candles and aromatherapy that is typically prohibited in a medical setting is another comforting option for those who choose to stay home for the birthing process.

Many women choose a home birth specifically to avoid unnecessary medical interventions. You are more likely to experience a vaginal birth if you choose to labor at home. All of this also contributes to a lower cost associated with this option. However, some insurance companies will not cover the costs of a home birth.

A home birth is usually a safe option for women who have had easy births prior to this pregnancy and have not experienced complications during the current pregnancy. However, it is still vital that families find a qualified healthcare professional to support them during the process.

Risks of Home Birth

It should be noted that women with preexisting conditions or a known issue with the baby are not advised to attempt a home birth. For instance, women who have had a cesarean delivery in the past are generally not good candidates for a home birth because of the additional risk of complications. In addition, women who are giving birth to multiples generally choose a hospital setting because of the added risks.

Other preexisting medical conditions that increase the risk of complications include heart and lung issues, high blood pressure, diabetes, and blood coagulation disorders. As with all healthcare decisions, it is wise to consult with your physician to determine if a home birth is a safe option for your personal needs.

It is also important to note that even the best laid plans can go awry during a home birth. You need to be prepared to head to the hospital should complications arise. This makes it important that your home birthing location is near a hospital should you need to seek outside services. Having a backup plan to move to a hospital is an essential part of the home birthing decision.

The decision on where to give birth is highly personal. Understanding your risks and weighing the advantages and disadvantages with your trusted health care provider will ensure that you have made the best decision for your personal needs.